Title-24 acceptance testing is the certification of a project’s lighting control system. It ensures the lighting control system was designed, installed, and programmed correctly to satisfy the Title 24 Part 6, Non - residential building code.


The Process

  • Project Details - Contact us and provide us with details about the project and the time frame for which you need testing.

  • Plan Review and Pricing - Email us a copy of the construction drawings for a review and quote.

  • Approval and Scheduling - Once we receive signed approval, we will schedule a day with you

  • Inspection and Completion - We will arrive on site to perform the functional testing of the lighting control devices and system. Once the testing is completed, we will require some off site time to complete the report and Certificates (NCRA Forms). If no corrections are needed, Certificates of Acceptance are generally emailed within 24 hours of testing. If corrections are needed, the technician will provide you with a list of corrections. Once corrections have been made, we will schedule a re-test.